Three women , 3 dogs and a Camper Van

22 september 2013

My dear friends .

All good things come to an end, but other good things begin.

The last few days on Ile de Re the weather has been much better. Thank goodness as Annie and Christina , Imps and Bags arrived in my car.

This means I will be returning home today, taking 2 days over the journey, life does not have to be hectic anymore. I have time. Wednesday I have the culinary tour for Oceanic cruises which I am really looking forward to. Maybe obne day I too will give lessons on board an Ocean Liner who knows..

Yesterday we had a super day. Cycling to Loix and in itiating the dogs to bike riding  and even Imps ran alongside the bike.. Penny looked on from her lovely seat behind me. The day came to a close with a rose and a run on the beach and even Penny got a bit wet when a large wave came in.

A diner at home Cepes stir fry with Beans and Broccoli and so to bed.

Ile de Re is super, certainly a place to be in  nature .I loved my week here alone. The weather could have been kinder but it did not seem to matter too much . Of course with Christina and Annie the last 2 days have been fun and laughter which one does not experience alone. Now it is time for them too explore the island and enjoy being here with the dogs who are in  seventh heaven already.

More news later now yto have my morning swim , pack the car then of to the beach café for oysters of course , before I leave for the first stage of my journey

I am so glad I dared to do it with Penny at my side , it is I feel our last summer but it was very special .

Thanks to Barbara , Joost, Willemijn and Jan , Annie and `Christina and the friends at home who supported my decision.

Pat and Penny


3 Reacties

  1. Pauli:
    22 september 2013
    Have a save trip coming home and don't be too sad after all your lovely experiences, excitements and beautiful nature around !! Amsterdam is waiting for you.
  2. Wilma Steverink:
    22 september 2013
    Lieve Pat, je ziet er fantastisch uit en ik heb al je belevenissen vol belangstelling - en soms een beetje afgunstig - gevolgd. Het is super zoals je je hart hebt gevolgd toen je ruim een jaar geleden besloot je hart te volgen en te gaan reizen met Penny's Wagon. Een ongewis avontuur maar met een hart vol verwachting. Je hebt je reis boeiend ingevuld, bijzondere mensen ontmoet, nieuwe eetbelevenissen en mogen proeven aan unieke wijnen. Goede reis naar huis. Ik kan nauwelijk wachten de overige verhalen 'live' te horen. Wilma
  3. Henk:
    23 september 2013
    A slight feeling of jealousy, would have loved to come along. Next year? Thanks for the great story's Patje! Safe trip home. xx