A train journey from 10 hours

18 februari 2014 - Nha Trang, Vietnam

We took a train instead of flying to see the coastal views. We saw the coast for 5 minutes. Further our soft seat chairs turned out to be A simple sleeping coupe. With the locals . When at the second stop on the way we where joined by 2 young vietnames and 2 large round bird cages includimg birds !!! We had to put our foot down . Birds spent the rest of the trip in the corridor. We bought spring rolls , which turned out to be sausages! And recieved a cuppa at
On of the atations at 21 hours as the locals came
On board selling their goodies . I must say they are not lazy , future emtrepeneurs maybe. The young lady with tje tea first offered us coffee which we declined , then with a broad smile she said tea and went running of tje train returning with 2plastic beakers and 2 liptons. These she filled from the boiling water tank in the corridor . Money well earned.
I am writing this on my I phone at 7 am in Nha Trang . A place where we arrived at about midnight . I see from the window a mass of hotels all reaching into the sky. A bit different tume to lovely Hoi An . More about that later. Now to sw in the pool on the 10 floor with palm trees they say . Today we will try to watch the 10.000 metre from the Olympics skating , hopefully another gold for Holland
Now to swim and explore . The best beaches in Vietnam . Perhaps a aboat trip to the islands tomorrow or just a chair on the beach . Finally sun Then into the mountains to Dalat

1 Reactie

  1. Henk:
    18 februari 2014
    Springrolls turning out to be sausages, lipton teabags and a pool on the 10th floor, you don't have to go all the way to Vietnam for that now do you?! xxxx