2.5 kms up a mountain track .yes we made it .

8 mei 2013 - Perugia, Italië

Penny's wonderful Umbria holidays is what u call of the beaten track . Since I was last here the garden has really matured and as soon as the sun decides to shine the roses should blossom . Unfortunately no photos or recipes at this moment . My Mac book containing 2500 recipes has died despite having just been given a new heart so I cannot download my photos . There is no wifi. Around here . my lovely present birthday Mr I has therefore no contact , today I will buy a SIM card a la italiono for him . Now at 6.30 am it is just me my I phone and T mobiles Surf and Turf at 14.50 a week good bargain I can even skype if I stand in the right place and lean over a veranda !!!! As you know I get my letters all. Mixed up normally so how this will work out I don't know. I will make it short . We are well and happy , had a great trip with Zpia who has just returned to holland . Now penny and I are living with 4 dogs 2 cats . 10 chickens a cold swimming pool in the mist up a mountain with penny Radford . A good experience for perhaps my next dream .A place where I do not look at walls and where I can see for miles . !!!! Food for thought my friends . Today to market and to stand on a stand promoting the local dog rescue which Penny R is very involved in.3 of her dogs are rescue dogs ! Be careful I may end up with some company for Lady P , Bags and Imps . I will sign of now to step outside and enjoy nature and do a sun bid. Nature will decide However so I just enjoy what she shares with us . Hope this reaches you all Carpe Diem Go for Gold a saying of my dear friend Chris Devries who told me about this wonderful place . I still miss him .Last time you only got half my blog so lets hope this time better Ciao . P.S lcf was 33 years. Yesterday


2 Reacties

  1. Wilma Steverink:
    8 mei 2013
    Ja, Ja Pat, gisteren heb ik aan jou en LCF gedacht. Raar idee hè dat na 32 jaar (tenslotte ben je nu al maanden op sabatical) hard werken in LCF het opeens niet meer hoeft. Geniet van de Italiaanse zon en leven zonder stress. relax dear. Enjoy the wine, food and of course Lady P. Love Wilma
  2. Henk:
    9 mei 2013
    Quit a trip my dear, without the 'normal' comfort of having access to WIFI or the Internet in general, but you will survive. The important thing is that you are having a good time and so are your followers reading it. Be loved xxx Henk