A taste of things to come

25 maart 2014

Www.patspantry.org take a  look still very much in the development stages

Pat goes home

A trip with Fayleen in Pattys Wagon to Ireland, the land of my forefathers, wrecked on the coast in 17--- .the captain survived but his wife drowned. He married a local girl .. The rest is history but seems I am the last in line of the Thompson.

Including  a visit to the Burren full of wild flowers in May , Ballymaloe home of Doreen Allen . Kinsale and lots more.


the open garden days , note in your agenda 20,21,22 June


And if it should be a new four footed companion

" a house without a dog is not a home "



Happy Spring time 


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2 Reacties

  1. Henk:
    28 maart 2014
    Go for it tiger! (the dog I meen)
  2. Henk:
    28 maart 2014
    Go for it tiger! (the dog I meen)